My 10 week old granddaughter is an extremely restless and fussy baby. She is constantly kicking and moving and crying or fussing. I am not exaggerating , there is har...
When my daughter was less than 48 hours old she had surgery for an intestinal malrotation. She healed beautifully and today is a mostly healthy nine month old. During...
I have never met a child who didn't like traveling in the car more than my 13 mos. old daughter. She SCREAMS when riding in the car. Even a 20 min car ride can be tor...
I am still breastfeeding my 10.5 month old daughter so I havn't given her a bottle in many months... I work 3 days a week and she is in daycare. She eats breakfast (...
O.K. so I have a couple of questions ....I have a four month old daughter who is breastfed (bottles at daycare from milk I have pumped and frozen). Currently she is e...
My son is 27 months old. He will eat very little table food. I need help. Here is a list of what he will eat:
Yobaby yogurt (He pretty much lives on this---eating ab...
I still breastfeed, but only as a comfort thing. I dont know what gets him up, but its usually once, sometimes more. He has "boob" and then goes back to bed. Right n...
My 21 mos old still takes a bottle for her milk. I unfortunately started her on the bottle after breastfeeding and have not weened her off of that. She only gets it...
Moms, how do you know when your baby is ready to move up to the next size (stage 2) in nipples? Does that affect breastfeeding? When my daughter was born, we had to s...
I need help. My 11 month old stopped sleeping through the night. She is still breastfed and on solids but will not drink formula. She usually eats three meals a day a...