I sometimes feel I yell a bit at times, usually repeating myself too much and hitting my breaking point, frustrated that I'm washing dishes with my hands, breaking up a fight with my feet, and thinking about the laundry in the washing machine, that the table was still dirty from dinner after I finished bathing the kids, etc. (Mine are younger and much more dependent and my husband and I work opposites so are both exhausted most of the time.)
I don't usually take it out on my kids, but sometimes bite my husband's head off out of nowhere because I'm sick of things and then turn it on myself and insist I'm a bad mom. Honestly, if you are not already exercising regularly, I have never felt more relaxed, settled, unruffled, unstressed, and content as when I'm working out several days a week, even for 20 or 30 minutes. I feel that irritation and grumpiness creeping up on me again since I was sick and got too busy to exercise, but if you don't and can squeeze in a little time, it will probably help your moods a lot. I didn't realize what a difference it made until I tried it. My husband and I also trade off on who gets to soak in the tub (no kids in the bathroom, nothing to worry about except a relaxing), and that helps, too. Sometimes it means I stay up a little later than I wanted to, but I go to bed feeling more relaxed and calm. Silly, but I also feel better doing something like making a pot of tea in a real tea pot and drinking with a cup and saucer, buying a home decorating magazine (not that I really decorate or have a house to remodel, but I like the pictures and ideas) and just relaxing with that for a few minutes. I also get up before my kids on the weekends and sometimes drink my coffee on the front steps and get a head start on the sunshine. That makes me a happier mommy in the morning.
I also like a soothing linen spray for my pillow and nicer smelling, relaxing lotion before bed. Sometimes calming smells make a difference. If there are one or two things that will make a huge difference to you, let your family know (like your husband taking the garbage out before work, putting bottles in the recycle bin, or whatever). Also, just focusing on positives by writing a little note to each of your kids and husband before bed and leaving it in a sneaker or lunch box might help you go to bed in a happier mood.