My 5 year old granddaughter is in her 7th week of Kindergarten, and she is struggling. She was in preschool last year and loved it. She is a talker, and always has ...
Hi all,
Just wondering, if your child did not attend Preschool first, for whatever reason.... how did he/she adjust to Kindergarten?
My son is 4... not in Presch...
My son is in day care that gives him Pre-k education. They also have Kindergarten, but I have to pay regular day care price. The kids are fed homemade meals, play on ...
In the last month or so have seen so many posts about Moms being blue about their child is going to Kindergarten.
I admit it. I'm EXCITED! (Is there something wr...
My husband and I have a 4 1/2 year old daughter. She has a mid-summer birthday. We've made the decision to have her enter Kindergarten next year (2009). She is in ...
I must have just never noticed (because mine wasn't going to kindergarten!) all the great kindergarten questions that pop up around this time of year, until this year...
Does any one know of a good marker to label kids school clothes? My Grandaughter will start kindergarten in Sept. and we need to label all of her clothes and things....
My daughter just turned 4 in December, so she will be starting kindergarten in August of 2008. I recently read an article (and heard a speaker) about identifying whe...
Next Monday will be the first day of Kindergarten for my oldest daughter and it seems that both of us are getting a little jittery. She is ready and I am s...
Ok, I'm putting question back since I'm getting great answers.
Recap, we are trying to homeschool my oldest for kindergarten with international friend's kids' curr...