My 3-year-old has poison ivy on one arm, one leg and on one cheek leading up to her eye. It started a week ago. It isn't getting worse, but it doesn't look like it'...
My 2 year old grandson can not sleep without his legs moving constantly. He tosses & turns & kicks the entire time he is asleep. Night time is worse than nap time. He...
My almost 9 month old daughter woke up yesterday with a fever of 102. My mother was able to take her to the doctors for me and they diagnosed her with Hand, Foot, an...
Does anyone know of a good allergy specialist in or near the Palatine area? And what type of allergy testing did they do (scrapes/injections)? I'd love to find some...
Two days ago my 2yr old woke up with two to three red bite-like spots on his head. Yesterday another one appeared. THe original ones have since opened? Oozed? and ...
My 3 1/2 year old has been licking his lips and around his lips a lot the past couple weeks. As a result he has dry patches that are really red and even a spot that l...
I just foundout my 10 mo. old is allergic to milk. The pediatrician recommended switching to soy. I switched to soy milk, but he loves yogurt, pudding, and cheese! Wh...
Ok, I'm out of town and my husband tells me that he took our daughter who is almost 8 monhts off formula and started her on whole milk (organic). To explain, she has...
This might seem crazy..but I have had ZERO luck at the pediatrician and allergist finding a solution for my 20 month old son. I thought I would turn to you moms inste...
My oldest is almost 3. She had probably 5 cold sores last year and has one again! What on earth could this be from!? I've only had two in my life (when I was beyond s...