Hello and Happy New Year!
To start this, I am aware it is a pretty stupid question and I am not trying to be insensitive to anyone who might be struggling. I have ...
Could you please offer some opinions on this. It is driving me crazy. My husband and I are ttc. My period is due tomorrow. By chance I had a doctor's appointment ...
I am regular in my periods, same day, same flow, same length, each cycle.
I have not been stressed, sick, lost or gaine weight, etc.
I am now about 10 days late on ...
What's your take on using an ovulation kit to determine when you're ovulating? We're trying to conceive our second child (the first was a surprise), so I'm curious w...
I have a 4 year old son and we have been trying to conceive another child for over a year and half. I was able to get pregnant with my son very easily. I did see...
I was wondering if anyone has a remedy for advanced PMS (PMDD) I know the Doc can controll it with hormones ie birth controll pills, but my body can't handle the synt...
Hello all! I'm new here to the site and also newly pregnant. Any advice would be appreciated. I'm currently 4 weeks along. Also I should say I've been diagnosed with ...
Hi ya Mamas!
I recently found out that I have PCOS. I am currently trying to lose weight, and my Dr. has started me on Metformin and given me a Rx. for Clomid, but w...
I just heard on the news that a bunch of Tornado's just happened in 6 states in the Central US, heartland, and Missouri etc and around, just now...
I just want to ...
yesterday I had my first prenantal appt and a transvaginal ultrasound to see an approximate due date and to make sure I was in fact pregnant there was definetly a bab...