Sheesh! You're not kidding, that would drive me crazy!
Maybe it's an empty sac? That's the only thing I can think of that would produce the hormones of pregnancy without an actual pregnancy.
Wish I had an answer for you. Just wanted to say I feel your anxst & would feel the same. I had the opposite problem in a way. I kept getting negatives on p. tests but I was convinced I was pregnant. Spent so much money trying again and again to see if I'd get a positive. I was so crazy about it, it was driving me nuts to be the only thing I kept thinking about.
Then FINALLY got a light positive (light 2nd line on the 1st response.. or maybe that was the Target brand?). Zipped into the OB office 2 days later and got it confirmed via sonogram. The sonogram is definitely the most accurate account, no matter how young it is. They gave me one b/c my 1st pregnancy miscarried (very devastating) and was considered high risk. But my 2nd pregnancy went relatively well and I have the best 13 month old in the world. And now, as suggested earlier, am pregnant again. (yipee, yikes!).
Just keep telling yourself all the things you know (it'll happen when its supposed to, etc) and eventually you'll believe it just enough to let you breathe a bit. And then you'll end up pregnant.
Is this your 1st? Anyway, best wishes. -N.