Major Purchases: Baby Bjorn

Results 1-10 from 208 articles

Big Baby and Front Carriers

S.M. asks from Chicago

My daughter is 27 pounds at 6 months. I think we have at least 5 more months of carrying her, if not more. Can someone help me with what kind of carrier to use? Sling...


Ergo Baby Carriers

A.F. asks from Tampa

I'm looking to purchase a new baby carrier. I had the Baby Bjorn but didn't use it long because it hurt my back. I've read several reviews about the Ergo but would ...


Carrier or Sling for a New Born

S.R. asks from San Francisco

Just wondering what type of carrier or sling is recommend that anyone has used to carry a newborn. We have a Baby Bjorn but I know that the baby needs to be older wi...


Baby Slings

M.R. asks from Fort Walton Beach

I am pregnant with my third child. My other two are still very young ages 2 and 3. I want to purchase a baby sling but have no idea which kind to even start shopping ...


Best All Around Sling

M.B. asks from Los Angeles

I'm looking for advice on the best sling for a newborn on up. I used the standard Baby Bjorn with my daughter, which she loved. However, my back didn't love it. I tho...


Baby Carriers or Slings?

C.G. asks from Chicago

Any advice on baby carriers for newborns and beyond six months? Feedback on pros/cons on brands like the ERGO, Baby Bjorn, Beco and Infantino backpack carrier would b...


Advice on Baby Carriers Please!

L.K. asks from Los Angeles

I have been using a baby bjorn carrier for a while but i don't like it at all. Even though my baby loves facing out and checking out the world, the way she is positi...


Recommendations on Baby Slings

J.G. asks from Dallas

I am considering getting a sling to use with my baby who is due in less than 2 months. I used the Baby Bjorn front carrier with my boys and it worked great. Does an...


Looking for Info Regarding Baby Slings

M.L. asks from New York

I am a 5 weeks away from having my second child. I attempted to use a front infant carrier (Baby Bjorn) for my first child, but he did not really like it and I found ...


Babywearing Advice? Looking for Comfortable Carrier...

M.W. asks from Philadelphia

I am carrying my 3-month old daughter in a Baby Bjorn right now, but it's starting to get painful for me. Any advice on comfortable baby carriers to wear? I nee...