Compared to many other requests, this may seem like quite a shallow concern. However, my daughter has not learned to ride a two-wheeler bicycle like most of her frie...
We got my DD one of those little bikes with training wheels for her 2nd birthday a few months ago. So far, she has been more interested in sitting on it and twisting ...
I have a tall soon to be 4yr old who has outgrown her trike. I will of course take her to test the bikes 1st but was wondering what others thought about the sizes and...
The Easter Bunny wants to bring a bike for my three-year old son. Any suggestions as to which kind? Balance bike, tricycle, or just a kids bike with training wheels??
My daughter is turning 4 next month. She's been riding a trike for 2 years now and we want to move on. I've heard great things about balance bikes or gliders, bur m...
Hi Moms, How many of your 7 year olds are riding a bike without training wheels? my just turned 7 year old daughter is very hesitant to learn to ride a bike. She w...
I have heard that it might be easier for younger kids to learn to ride a bike with a balance bike, which is just like a 2 wheeler except is has no pedals. It made se...
Our son is nearing two and my husband and I are itching to get back on our bikes this summer, which means we are looking into getting a bike trailer. Given the expen...
At what age should I be pushing no training wheels on my son. Should I even push it at all. My son is five almost 6 and he isn't really interested in riding bikes b...
We are attempting to teach our 2 1/2 yr old son to ride a bike with training wheels. When we push the bike, the pedals do not move. He has to push on them to make t...