When is it a good time to introduce board games and what are some good first games you played as a family? I think it would be really fun to play these with my daught...
I have three kiddos. Boy, girl, and boy. My eldest son is turning 6 in May, my daughter is 4 years old and my youngest is turning 3 at the end of April.
My 14 year old daughter seems to think a few of my rules are too strict. So, she asked me if I’d get the opinion of other mothers – particularly those I don’t ...
I have a 14 year old son that has headaches quite often. He wears glasses, so that is not the problem. He comes home from school daily with a headache. I have take...
My 12 year old son came home from school very emotional. He did not want to tell us what happened. He finally did tell us that he was pushed to the ground and hit by ...
My 10 year old daughter is uncooperative when asked to assist around the house. There is a power struggle and attitude when asked to perform even simple tasks. Then ...
My 11 year old son wants allowance. I would like to make a "chore" list for him. What are appropriate chores for him and what is the going rate per week for allowan...
Does there exist a game that my 3 year old could play that my older two (8 and 9) wouldn't mind playing too? I know the oldest will be bored, but they do enjoy time w...
My 13 year old son is a hermit. He rarely likes to leave the house. He would much rather stay at home and play video or computer games. We do force him to leave th...