I would welcome any opinions on continuing my son on formula after one year. He was never breast fed as my medical past did not allow it. He has also never been a v...
I am 26 weeks right now. While I was not intending to breastfeed, due to financial reasons and pressure I have decided to. The thing is that I have very mixed feeling...
My 2 month old is now exclusively on formula, and his bowel movements are 3 to 4 days apart. Problem is, he strains for the last 2 of those days to go, and when he do...
I'm thinking about trying ready to feed formula. My daughter only uses formula as a suplement-about one 4oz bottle a day while I'm at work. How long can an open conta...
My precious baby boy is 12 wks old and after 9 days of nursing I was no longer able to produce any milk. In utter disappointment and shame I quickly shifted to an or...
I guess I didnt give enough information - sorry.. When I was writing this I was very upset and wasnt thinking like I should have been. I took my little girl to the d...
Dear Moms,
I am 4 months pregnant with my second child. My daughter is going to be 2 in July and I am scared to death. I was wondering if other moms had feelings...
my baby spits up alot is there anything to help with that.she cries when not being held and has alot of gas.i was told she has colic is this part of it.
I have recently had to switch my son to formula because he has been having trouble nursing. So he is stritcly formula fed during the day and then he will nurse at nig...
My month old doesnt like to take a nap in the day time at all. A couple of times hes been up all day 7:00am to 7:00pm.yeah I know!I thought newborns were suppose to s...