My grandson is a year old and weighs approx 30 lbs my daughter wants to buy him a high back booster without any kind of restraint just using the seatbelt this does no...
It's seems like I am the only one that doesn't have my son in a booster seat.... I still put him in a 5 point harness carseat.. IMO, it's a lot safer... All my son's...
Some of you may remember me, I was the mom with the 8 week old that hated his crib and I tried everything to get him to like it. Well, I was able to get him to nap a...
Going to a baby shower for my niece. I want to get her something she will like maybe other than clothes but for sure different that she won't get a duplicate of.
I have a 4 month old and he seems to fuss everytime we put him in the car seat and almost the entire time we are in the car. Any suggestions as to how to work this out?
I am looking at the Britax carseats and wondered if they are the best? I am confused because some of them run in the $300 and some in the $100. I am looking for a ca...
I think I have everything covered on my baby registry but I just wanted to see if any Moms out there had any good ideas for things a mother of a 1 1/2 year old and a ...
I am just getting ready to create a baby registry for baby showers etc. and I don't know what to add to it! There are so many different products and so many brands t...
Hello~ I am trying to register for my baby shower & figure out all of the necessary items we will be needing for our daughter. Money has been very tight lately, due t...
I'm expecting a baby girl in February, and we just brought home our new 10 and 5 year-old sons from Russia. Life is a little hectic right now, and most of my time is...