Child Safety Locks: Babies 'R' Us

Results 31-40 from 52 articles

Safety Gates Advice

A.W. asks from Atlanta

My 10 month old has become very mobile and I have just begun babyproofing our house. We have a very steep wood staircase - any suggestions on which safety gate to buy...


Shut the Refrigerator Door!

E.B. asks from Seattle

I am sick of telling my three year old to get out of the fridge. He listens when I say it..Then in five minutes is sticking his head back in it. He has dumped two f...


Seeking Advice Regarding Keeping Twin Boys from Constant Climbing Out of Crib

R.H. asks from Los Angeles

Help! My twin boys are almost 23 months and have recently discovered how to climb out of their cribs. Now at nap time and bedtime, they climb out of their cribs, into...


Are Childgates Really Necessary?

S.S. asks from Los Angeles

The way that my apartment is set up, I need to buy two extra-long sets of baby gates which means they're also extra-expensive. Since this is my first baby, I want to...


Child Proofing Products

M.S. asks from Dallas

I have a 4 month old that is showing every sign of being ready to crawl. She gets on her hands and knees and rocks back and forth and scoots frontwards and backwards...


Help with Almost 3Yr Old.

R.R. asks from Mansfield

My son will be turning 3 in a couple of weeks. He is into everything, just yesterday he put baby powder all over bedroom and dumped water on the floor. He gets on bul...


Son Is Crawling Now - and Getting into Everything!

K.R. asks from Houston

My little guy just turned 8 months. He started crawling about a week ago....and now he is terrorizing my dog and getting into everything he shouldn't. I have notice...


Home Safety Now That She Is Crawling

A.F. asks from Williamsport

My 9 month old just started crawling 4 days ago. Today, she found and put in her mouth 3 small rocks alone, one of which she choked on and gave me a terrible fright!...


Should I Be Worried? Social Disorder? What Can I Do?

S.D. asks from Fort Collins

My little guy is 18 months old and is just so precious to me. He seems to have some quirks about him that I don't know if I should be concerned about or not, but I a...


How Do You Shower, Take the Garbage Out, Etc with a Toddler??

L.K. asks from Fargo

Hi, looking especially to the single moms for help here... My toddler is on the verge of being able to escape from her playpen and crib. Once she does that I have ...