My daughter sits in a high-back booster seat with removable arms. The back can also come off for it just to be a seat-type booster. We will be flying with her for t...
My 8 month old HATES to ride in the car. He is fine for the first 5 minutes, then he screams the rest of the way to our destination. My husband and I have tried every...
My daughter is almost 8 months old, and is too big for her carseat. I have adjusted the straps on it, and they are as far as they go. The straps are just too tight fo...
My son is well on his way to outgrowing his infant carrier. I've started to think about the next carseat we purchase for him and am looking for feedback on seats you'...
I'm having number 2 and I learned from number 1 what I DON'T like in a carseat. (heavy, awkward) Can anyone suggest a light, comfortable, practical infant car seat?
My 5 year old girl is in the Britax Marathon. It fits her well as she is 31 lb's and 39 inches tall. And my 3 year old son is in an Evenflow convertible. He is 30 ...
Hi moms! My 2 year old son has gotten too big for our Evenflo Triumph XL Convertible. Plus we're expecting baby #2 and need a new car seat anyway. We're tyring ...
I think we are almost ready to use a forward facing carseat. My son weighs 21 lbs. 13 oz. He is 11 months old. I have read that you can use a forward facing carseat a...
Does anyone have suggestions for a good 'travel' car seat for a 7 month old? Our little girl recently outgrew her infant car seat, and I'll be traveling alone with h...
I am looking for a mid priced infant/toddler carseat. I have been looking at the Britax marathon carseat, but the price is way too high. I have 8 month old twins an...