Bronchitis: Toddler, Albuterol

Results 91-100 from 269 articles

Asthma and Dairy

C.R. asks from Los Angeles

I recently found out that my 13 month old has asthma. My pediatrician gave me albuterol (steriod) and pulmicort for daily breating treatments (every 3 hours). I'm h...


Asthma or Not?

J.G. asks from New York

Sorry, this is going to be long ....My 3 1/2 year old daughter has had respiratory problems since she was 1. Everytime she gets sick, it goes right to her chest. Be...


My 4 Year Old Son Snores!

A.H. asks from Omaha

My son has reactive airway disorder, so usually when the weather turns colder we deal with barky coughs and stuffy noses. He has always been a loud breather, but late...


Mysterious Respiratory Distress

C.R. asks from San Diego

My 7 yr old son was recently in the ER for breathing problems. They kept him in the hospital for 2 days & gave him albuterol & steroids until his oxygen levels were ...


My Son Has Ashma

M.S. asks from Los Angeles

My son is going to be 4 years old . i just need more advise on the steroids(medicen) the doctor gave him. i feel like its going to hert him later and its hard to tell...


Seeking Advice for My 2 Yr Old Diagnosed with Asthma

L.P. asks from New York

Hi Moms: I am hoping that there is a mom out there that can relate to what I am going through with my little boy. On his 2nd birthday (10/11) he started with a coug...


My Daughter Has Been Sick Since Joining Daycare

O.W. asks from Oklahoma City

My daughter stayed at home with me until she was a year old. Since being put in daycare, she has been sick almost weekly. Is this normal? Will it pass? We are new to ...


How to Talk to My Daughter and Son in Law

K.W. asks from St. Joseph

I have 3 grandchildren and both their parents smoke my youngest grandchild months has been having lots of trouble breathing around them. Now the parents have been on ...


Phnemonia Question/sick 2 Year Old

L.W. asks from Cincinnati

Baby was fine on Saturday. went over to a play date and had a great time. Sunday she started going downhill with sniffles and runny biggie. Sunday night "co...


What Asthma Meds Are Your Children Taking?

C.S. asks from New York

My son has well-controlled asthma. We only run into an issue if its cold out and he is really playing hard, exposed to a dog for a long period of time, or whenever he...