I know it probably depends somewhat on the individual child, but at what age is it appropriate to give kids greater independence riding their bikes on busy roads, etc...
Today i took my four year old daughter shopping for a helmet for her new bike. i stopped at a few places before heading to the bike shop. She refused to walk the same...
My 3 year old son will fall either off his bike or when he is running and scrapes his knee or elbow. When this happens he will not let me look at the scrape. He wants...
My little girl just turned 9 on 8/18, and for about the past month or so, she has become sensitive to the point of being hyper-sensitive. She's always been a very se...
Haha...my 15 yo son has crashed and wiped out 3 times this past week while joking around with his buddies.
Banged up his right knee. Needed nothing
Fell throug...
I would like to hear from moms of teens on how they approach controlling Facebook and cell phone text with their teens. I have two daughters, 16 and 13. The 13 year o...
My husband comes from a racing family. His Dad was a champion funny car driver in the 70's and his brother is a well known custom car and chopper builder. He grew up ...
My daughter is 16 and she went to the doc and the doc said my daughter's bmi is 89 and weights 157. My daughter is like 5" 5'. My daughter is not motivated by much an...
We are in the metro Detroit area and want to take a 2 to 3 day getaway to the western side of the state on Lake Michigan. We are thinking about spending time at Mich...
Little bit of a vent here.
I am seriously so fed up with how rude my 13 year old is around anytime I drive her anywhere. It's really awful. Her language is awful. ...