My little one was 3 in June (so he's not quite 3 1/2) and he can ride a bike with training wheels - and he's quite small for his age, only about 20th percentile. If I were you, I'd go straight for the bike.
Ok, it's my turn to ask for help. My oldest is 3.5 years old, turns 4 in February and we're thinking about buying him a bike for Christmas or his birthday. He's big for his age so we're not sure whether to get him a bike with training wheels, a trike, or maybe a Kettcar which is like a go-kart or soapbox vehicle. I'm not sure he can handle a bike at this point even if it has training wheels on it. I'd be afraid he would fall off and never want to try again. There is a Schwinn tricycle that I like a lot, it looks very nice, not baby-ish at all. I think it will hold up well over time and due to the way it's made I'm not worried about him falling off of it. How long would he want to ride a trike for? The Kettcar is pretty neat. It's a go-kart essentially; tubular frame, low to the ground, four wheels, steering wheel. I wonder if he's big enough for that and if it's worth the investment. Hhmmm.... decisions, decisions! When did your kid learn to ride a bike? Do you have any experience with any of these products?
Wow! Thanks for the replies thus far! The trike I am interested in is not the classic red one you think of when you hear "tricycle". It's very slick - low to the ground, wooden rear deck with Schwinn burned into it, and tassels on the handle bars. It's also affordable; around $60. For those who said "big wheel", this would be a great choice. He has a younger brother, so even if he onlt used it for a year, his little brother would move right into it. I might opt for the Schwinn...
Wow! Thanks for the replies thus far! The trike I am interested in is not the classic red one you think of when you hear "tricycle". It's very slick - low to the ground, wooden rear deck with Schwinn burned into it, and tassels on the handle bars. It's also affordable; around $60. For those who said "big wheel", this would be a great choice. He has a younger brother, so even if he onlt used it for a year, his little brother would move right into it. I might opt for the Schwinn...
My little one was 3 in June (so he's not quite 3 1/2) and he can ride a bike with training wheels - and he's quite small for his age, only about 20th percentile. If I were you, I'd go straight for the bike.
Skip the trike and go for the bike! The trike will be a waste of money at this point! My daughter rode a tricycle up until 2 months before her 5th birthday, but she had been ready for a bike with training wheels for some time before that. We got her a 16in bike with training wheels so that she had room to grow with it for a little while. At the same time we got our 3 year old a bike with training wheels (because they do everything together) we got him a 12in and he rides it perfectly!
definetely a bike. by summer he'll be four. by four and a half my son was riding without training wheels. just get a small bike with training wheels.
Go for the bike! The target age for a child to learn to pedal a bike is 36 months, so he should be great! Go to the toy store and measure him for the correct size... depending on how tall he is already, he may already be ready for a 12" or higher bike with training wheels!
My daughter turned 3 in September and has been riding a bike with training wheels for about 6 months now. She LOVES it!
Have fun!!!
For my son's 4th birthday we got him a 16 inch bike with training wheels that he loves. With the seat in the lowest position he reaches the pedals fine and there is plenty of room to grow. I guess it depends on your son, around age 3 mine started outgrowing his tricycle and moved onto a hand-me down 12 inch bike with training wheels. Then to the 16 inch.
my older daughter started riding a 16 inch bike with training wheels at 3.5 years. My younger one will be 3.5 at Christmas, and she's a bit shorter, so she has a 12 inch.
Why are you afraid he'd fall off a bike with training wheels?
I can't imagine him wanting to ride a trike for very long... seems like it could be a waste of money. That's just my opinion.
Even though you have gotten a lot of responses, I thought I would comment on the kettcar. I got the Kettcar for my son at a young age & I wouldn't recommend it. I thought it would be easy to peddle but it's not unless the place where you are riding is completely flat. Have you looked into a balance bike? I wish I would have gotten one for my daughter at age 3.
Honestly Jen I felt the same way. My daughter is 3.5 and she has a Princess bike that has training wheels and she wouldnt pedal it. So I went out and bought the Rock, Roll ’n Ride Trike at Target for $37.95 and its low to the ground and has training wheels and it has a handle so you can push them from behind and your not bending over so much. It took alittle time but she pedals it and seems to be more comfortable in it. My advice is to start out simple and see how he does and then upgrade to the next best thing. I wanted to get my daughter a scooter for x-mas and know she wants one but she hasnt mastered the trike yet so I am putting that on hold for next year!
Good luck,hope this helps
to be honest I think the time for a trike has passed. I would get him the smallest size bike with training wheels. Hw will be fine with this. Trikes, in my experience, are truly starter bikes meant for 2-3year olds. My kids were both riding without training wheels at 5 yo.
have a little girl who is two and two older girls 7 and 1. This year for our two year old we got her a trike with a push handle and all the bells and whistles(safety belt and a safety bar, cup holder, bucket and canopy) and a helmet and haven't looked back. It is a little flimsy (already had to bring one back) but toys R' us has an extended 2 year warranty for 10% and they replace it if ANYTHING breaks for 2 years. All the safety pieces and handle come off when she gets old enough to do it on her own too. LOVE her trike and EVERYONE we pass comments how cute it is.
All of my boys started riding 16-inch bicycles with training wheels by their 4th birthdays and loved it. In retrospect, I am sorry I didn't started them on bikes even earlier, since there are 12-inch bikes.
My younger son will be 4 in January. Last year for his Birthday we got him the twist trike by Radio Flyer. It is a nice trike, wide enough to be stable (I find some tip when you turn a tight corner) and then you can flip the seat over and it is a big wheel. It is very easy to flip over and the seat for the big wheel adjusts easily. I have switched from trike to big wheel many time during our rides and adjusted the seat so my 6 year old can ride and then it's the little guy's turn again. I believe we bought it at Target, online. Be warned, the box had pictures of what it was all over it, which could spoil the surprise if your son sees the box when it is delivered. Good luck.
You'd have to make sure he can reach the pedals on anything you get. I's vote for a nice old fashioned Big Wheel. A classic. Or get a very small (12") 2 wheeler with training wheels.