Our daughter turns 3 in May, and we are thinking about buying her a bike with training wheels? My husband thinks we should wait until she is a little older. Does an...
my sons 4th birthday is comming up and i was thinking about getting him a bike that has training wheels. i was wondering if 4 is to young should i want a couple years.
We recently got my daughter a two wheel bike with training wheels for her 3rd birthday. She likes the idea, but is a little hesitant to use it too much, and sometime...
Hi Moms!
My son wants a skatebaord for his 4th birthday. Do you moms have any recommendations on brands and sizes? I know he needs a helmet, but I am assuming it mig...
My son just turned 4 in November and my dad has offered to buy him some type of bike. Is there a good tricycle for his age or should we just get a bike with training...
We gave our son a bike with no training wheels for his 7th birthday. Dad took him out this past beautiful weekend to attempt to learn. On his first go round he took...
My son is 3 years old and turns 4 in a few months. He's in preschool and he has trouble counting to 10, he almost always leaves out the number 7. At home, I practic...
I really don't think I'm ready for this but my gf just asked if I'd let her daughter and my daughter (4 and 3 respectively) go to the park today with their brothers (...
I know it's a little early, but my son turns 4 the week before Christmas. It's such a tricky time of year, because everyone's so busy. For the past two birthdays, we'...