Baby Swings: Infant, Ergo

Results 31-40 from 352 articles

My Baby Wants to Constantly Be Held

T.S. asks from Chicago

My baby is 5 wks old and wants to be constantly held. I understand he hasn't learned to self soothe and maybe a little young for self-soothing. I love holding him bu...


Am I Spoiling My Baby?

A.F. asks from Lancaster

My son is now almost 6 months and unless I am constantly entertaining him, he kind of throws little tantrums... i.e. - crying, arching his back, long intense grunts, ...


New Mom and Baby Registry

L.J. asks from Cincinnati

I will be having my first child in December and I am attempting to create a baby registry. I thought this process would be easy and it's actually harder than I though...


Fussy Baby!

C.L. asks from Abilene

Hello Moms!!! I am hoping some of you have some advice for me. My son is 5 weeks old today and seems to be very fussy, especially in the evening. He wants to constant...


What to Register for at Baby Shower

M.P. asks from Chicago

I'm having my first baby. Anything you had that you couldn't live without that I should register for? I've heard to get terrycloth diapers instead of burp pads cu...


Baby Who Refuses to Be Put Down!

G.T. asks from Boston

OK, so I have a newborn - almost 4 weeks old who loves to be held - of course! and I love holding her. I try to hold her as much as I can as I believe all babies need...


Baby Fussing

L.S. asks from Las Vegas

ok this is my 3rd child-you would think I would not have to ask a question :/ lol-anyway he will be 6 wks this Sunday-and whenever you put him in his swing at night m...


Due in November - What Baby Items Are Considered MUST Have's by You?

S.W. asks from Myrtle Beach

I'm due in November. I KNOW that I want a carrier, and I've been eyeing the ERGO; do any of you have experience with that and would you recommend it? What other gea...


Infant Advice

M.M. asks from Philadelphia

My son Brady is 1 month old and I cannot put him down. As soon as I do, he is screaming, and and soon as I pick him up, he is fine. This is literally from morning t...


Double Stroller and Other Baby Stuff Advice

A.K. asks from Pocatello

I am going to being having our second baby and our daughter will be 2 years old when her brother arrives and I was wondering if I should get a double stroller. Are th...