immediately however in my experience I bled for awhile after I had it in, but then after about a month i never had a period :)
I just got my Mirena today (which was soooooo easy BTW, I don't know why I was so nervous about it). Anyway, I asked my dr when it was effective...he said right now! I was just reading through responses to a different Mirena question I posted and one response said that it isn't effective for 1 month!!!
Everything I read and what my dr said was that it was effective immediately. Has anyone heard differently?
EDIT - yes, it was put in while I was on my period.
immediately however in my experience I bled for awhile after I had it in, but then after about a month i never had a period :)
My doc told me to keep my lady parts free of anything for 3 full days then we were good to go! I am assuming you got it put in when you were on your period so yah, its effective now!
immediately! I asked the same question.
Although Mirena contains a small amount of projesterone to help thin your uterine lining, it does not work like a hormonal birth control method, so it has nothing to do with your cycle.
If your doctor says it's effective immediately, then I'd go with that. It doesn't control your ovulation, so waiting a month wouldn't do anything. I PERSONALLY wouldn't have had sex the day it was put in because I was bleeding for a couple of weeks, but if you do, more power to you.
Yep, immediately. You will bleed for a while, just spotting but mine lasted for 6-8 months. I am on my 2nd - 8 years total. No side effects. No periods. No worries. I love it!