This post is a lot easier to understand.
Any two year old is too young to put on ADHD meds. Your husband needs only to ask the pediatrician this, and he will get that answer.
Your child's crying and screaming all day is not normal. Not sharing IS normal. Trying to get her way is normal. You haven't figured out yet what normal in a two year old is, and neither has your husband. You two need help.
I know 2 year olds who are quiet and gentle. (Not my kids.) I know 2 year olds who wear you out with all their boundless energy. (My kids included.) And there's everything in between. That's a scale of normalcy.
Does your 2 year old talk? How does she get what she wants? Does she try to ask? Do you understand what she says? Or does she grunt and cry for what she wants?
You should ask the ped for a speech/language assessment. Once she is 24 months old, the benchmark of what is expected is a higher level. You need to know where she stands with this benchmark. You can also get some help figuring out her behavior.
Peds are NOT just for sick visits. They are for helping you navigate her developmental stages. You desperately need help with this and your husband needs to go to the doctor with you and hear what the doctor advises.