Dear M. D:
First let me say that I am sorry that you are going through this difficult time in your life. Second of all let me tell you that there is hope. The only hope that I can offer you is to get yourself "WOMAN OF FAITH" BIBLE and a good church and a good church that professes JESUS CHRIST give your burdens to Him. He is calling you. Yes your husband has a problem with his tempter don't become an enabler to him. Your responsibilty is to protect your son and yourself. As for divorce you will have to talk to a christian counselor and see what they recommend. I do promise you this God has not turned His back on you. He is there. I don't know if you ever read the story in the Bible about the disciples and Peter coming out of the boat and He though he was going to drown, the reason he thought he was going to was because he never bourgh Jesus into the boat with him. No matter what storm we are going through we need to bring Jesus into the storm with us. I have been in an abussive situation, a single mom, but I can honestly say that it was through this storm in my life that Jesus worked in my heart first. I will never turn my back on the Lord now He has done so much for me especially given His life for me. Yes seek the Lord while He may be found. I gurantee you that the moment you take a step closer to Him He will take two steps closer to you. He is the LIght of the world. I hope and pray that this was an encouraging word for you. Seek a christian counselor, and pray for God to make Himself real to you.
In Him, Someone who is praying for you