I know that some woman have these great husbands that help. But it's not the reality I've seen for most of my daycare moms and not for me. My husband left me to do 99.9% of the chores at home, work 7 days per week, 24 hours per day in my home daycare, and even during the years when I was licensed for 10 kids, he still said that the house, kids, and a myriad of family chores, errands, and needs must to be met by me because I was "home all day". Even back when I was changing as many as 45 diapers per day, cooking for an army, doing all my shopping at all night grocery stores overnight, going through my pregnant years, trying to take classes online, I still did more than my share.
As near as I can see, men are pretty much selfish pigs. To be honest though, I read a great deal of things on here from woman on a variety of subjects that sound VERY selfish and even sometimes VERY lazy. So woman are not all that much better.
I remember the times my husband really helped me. They stick out like a sore thumb because there were so few! One time I was pregnant, throwing up, feeling awful and a daycare child threw up. My husband was out with the kids while I was laying down. He told me to stay in bed and he cleaned up this child! I got up long enough to call the child's mother to come get her.
Over the years he has gotten better. My husband does more now like doing his own laundry and taking out the garbage, helps so much with our grandson, and it's not nearly as frustrating as it was in the early years. We've been married 25 years though and it's been a long road of arguments, compromise, more arguments, and NEGOTIATION.
About those pain meds...I understand wanting to take them. I just put a question through recently about pain meds. I've been in chronic pain most of my adult life and I've NEVER taken anything stronger than an advil. I will not and can not in all good conscious be taking pain pills while caring for children, mine or anyone elses. I really want to. The pain is never ending and lately I've had to force myself to go through my days and to conscentrate on making life good for these kids no matter how I feel. You should not be taking these meds with such a little baby in the house unless you can get a family member or someone, a friend or neighbor to come and stay with you or at least check in on you.
The diaper rash will go away if you take the babies diaper off, rinse the bottom with luke warm water only, no soap and let the baby lay on a blanket naked until completely air dried for awhile. If you do that 3 times per day and then put the a&d ointment on after being completely air dried, it will get better in about 3-4 days of this. You should do this at least once per day forever though. Babies that get rashes like this will continue to get them. The diaper is warm, wet, and moist too much of the time. NEVER let a dirty one sit. Always check the baby about twice per hour and change as often as necessary. Change baby even if there is only a squirt in there.