I'm right there with you! My DD is almost 3.5 and not only does she have no interest, she is adamantly against the idea! Seriously, if we are talking about something she doesn't want to do, the conversation will go to how she does not want to use the potty! All her younger friends have potty learned.
I don't do reward charts or anything like that and don't want to do it for this and I do know it really isn't up to me. Everyone I know has told me that she will do it when she's ready and one day she will just do it. Some days I believe that and some I don't. Sometimes kids just cannot be bothered and want to stick with diapers since it takes no effort on their part.
What I am planning to do is try to just do it after an upcoming trip. Not sure if I will do underwear or cloth pull ups. But I plan to find a week when we have very little to do, put those on her and put her on the potty every half hour or something. If that doesn't go well I will put it on hold for a couple moths and try again when it is warmer out. A friend of mine suggested that once summer comes she will really not want a big wet diaper on and may just do it then. We'll see.
The one thing that I am really trying to do is not make it an issue since that will not work at all at this age. It will make it worse. Good luck.