I've just recently gone through a heart breaking, soul crushing job rejection at a school where I substitute regularly. I was highly recommended by the entire office staff and all the teachers I work with and this job would've been a dream position for me. The interview was excruciating with 3 administrators conducting the interview. I was LITERALLY subbing THE EXACT JOB I was interviewing for up until they made the hire! The principal called to let me know they choose another candidate due to experience, and I was professional and polite. Hung up the phone and cried for about 2 days!
Unlike many employment rejections, I HAD to go back on this campus. And although the administration didn't choose me, I will continue to do what I can to assist the teachers. This has also opened my mind up to new opportunities and I've begun subbing at my older daughter's high school campus (I was always afraid of high school!!) I LOVE it! I've opened new doors and I'm back to my prior comfort level with my friends at the middle school, with no slow down on sub requests.
Don't let rejection weigh you down! Be grateful you aren't just sitting around waiting to hear from them, they at least gave you the courtesy of notifying you. Good luck and keep trying!! I know that is what I am going to do!