I have worked in several Pinellas county daycares, and I do not think you will find much relief. Most schools nap for NO LESS than 2 hours, but generally closer to 3. I think the PCLB regulation is something like 2& 1/2 hours right now, but several schools put three hours on their schedule to allow for setting up cots, children falling asleep, and then the putting away of nap time things. Even if you ask the teacher to wake your child up early, you have to remember the negative effects this will have on the other children. Your child is 2 and will probably not sit patiently for 30-60 minutes daily. Since several children need long naps, you may have to resort to other options. Perhaphs waking up earlier, so that she is able to fall asleep easier and faster for her nap, and not have it effect her day as much, or putting her to bed early (around 8 as you had mentioned), and just making her deal with not liking it for the first week. She will adjust, as she is 2 and they are very flexible.... even when they do not seem like it. Hope this helps! Let us know what you do!!