The best thing I ever learned while doing marriage counseling is this analogy.
Woman's brain activity style:
Huge room with no walls in sight, imagine a horizon with pristine little items on it. You can see each one but there is no wall on the other side because your mind is limitless. Little tiny dividers divide the areas of her mind, sort of like a 1 shelf storage unit. Enough space for a pair of shoes but not anything taller. She can quickly step, jump, leap, walk, stand, and get around or over these dividers at any time. She is often found jumping from one area to the next without rhyme or reason. If you don't to a woman on the phone who is multi tasking. If you can follow that conversation then you get the idea. She will jump from a child who is coloring on the wall to the kitchen to stir a pot of pasta to the garage to switch out laundry all the time having one foot in the kitchen planning the time line for heating up the spaghetti sauce and during that she's also planning her day a week from now.
In a man's brain:
He's in a room, it's dark around the edges, the light is shining on the object of his focus, he's not listening to music or watching TV, he's totally absorbed in his task. He hears a faint knock, then hears another, listens slightly to see if they go away and refocuses on his task. Then he hears the knock again. He lifts his head and hears "Honey! Are you listening to me?". He has to put up his task, clear off the work area, go to the door, unlock a lock, unlock another, and another, and so forth. Then he goes out of this room.
He's in a long narrow hallway, there is no light at the end either way. It has a multitude of doors for him to select. He takes a few steps, he's at a new doorway, he has to decide if that's the door he's supposed to go in to see what she wants or not. Once he decides that is the right room he starts unlocking the doors. He opens the door. Has to turn around and lock the doors again. Then he goes to the desk to work on that task. If it's her giving him a list he has to decide to take out the pen, where's paper, what is it I'm supposed to write down, where'd she go, what did she say???? Then he has to get her to repeat what she said. He's unclear about what that one thing is. But she's gone again. So he forgets that one thing. He's done is this room so he goes to the door and unlocks each door. Opens the door, goes to the long dark hallway, closes the door and locks all the doors again.
Now which door is it I'm supposed to go to???
I found this to be so enlightening when dealing with my hubby. He gets along so much better when I treat him like he hasn't a brain at all.
When I send him to get food I give him a detailed list.
Like this:
Burger King (In case he forgets where he's going)
Whopper with Cheese, mayonnaise, lettuce, tomato.
Onion rings
Large drink
You want a Whopper no cheese, french fries, and an orange drink.
kids get the idea.