Remarried and moved away
How long after your break-up before you remarried and moved away? Were your boys 15 and 17 when you moved away or younger? They may have chosen to stay with their dad so he wouldn’t be alone or because they consider your current husband, (true or not), part of the reason that you are no longer a family.
I salute you for not bashing your children’s father in front of them. Unless your kids feel that you abandoned them by moving away and choosing your current husband over them, they will eventually understand the reason for the divorce.
For now it appears that the boys do side with dad. Does their father threaten to throw them out if they don’t side with them and they don’t want to live with you and your 2nd husband? Do they actually tell you what he says about you? If it’s bad, you can petition the court through an attorney to have that stopped. It not good for your children and they just might feel they have no place to go where they will feel comfortable and secure.
You didn’t say much about your new man, how does he get along with your children?
Divorce is never easy, even when you are the one to initiate the split. Speaking from experience, trying to achieve success with a blended family is very difficult, especially with teenagers. The second time around with kids, often ends in a 2nd divorce.
When our children are hurting, we hurt….no way around it. There is just no easy answer, but you are not alone.