Okay, no one else has suggested this, so I must be the only one who had to do this. I've moved to another bedroom...
It wasn't just the snoring that got to me, it was the tossing and turning, pulling all the covers off me, the muttering and general restlessness. We bought an expensive NASA memory foam mattress, thinking that with me being bobbed about like a yacht in a storm it would make a difference. It didn't. It got to the point where I would watch for signs of him being tired, and racing, literally running to bed, and trying to get to sleep before him. Of course, the pressure of knowing he would be in any minute, and then falling asleep immediately, with the snoring starting straight away..I would lie there, heart pounding, screwed up with tension trying to get to sleep! After months of sleeping on the couch, I now have the luxury of a larger house. Bingo! My own room, where I can have the girlie bedding and pillows of my choice, and the space and time to relax with a book... result: one happy wife. We actually like eachother now, as the resentment got so bad we would argue at 3am and shoot hostile looks at eachother over the breakfast table. What a waste of time and energy.
Plus, it's always fun to ask - your room or mine? I do miss cuddling up, but to be honest, moving out has kept me sane. Not recommended though, if your relationship is shaky...