Hero's in Denton to Celebrate Grandaughter's 7Th Birday

Updated on October 29, 2009
T.T. asks from Denton, TX
3 answers

I would appreciate your input about Hero's customer service if you have held or attended a party at Hero's in Denton. Last year we celebrated her b-day at Ch-ee-Ch, we had a wonderful hostess and the party was a success because of her great attitude and friendliness. Please help me as I cannot have a party at my place (we are in the middle of remodeling the baths.....and more).
Thanks in advance!

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answers from Dallas on

Have been to several b-day parties there and had my daughter's 5th b-day party there in May. The hostess was great with the kids! I highly recommend it.

Our church meets at Hero's, and has Bible Blitz for the kids there on Wednesday nights. The owners are great people and have always been very friendly (they do not attend our church).

I'm not saying nobody ever gets hurt, but nobody has been hurt at any of the parties we have been to. Any injuries I have seen during Bible Blitz have been minor and occurred when the bigger kids (9-10 year olds) were rough housing too much and not obeying the rules and either hurt each other or ran into the smaller kids.

Good luck!

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answers from Dallas on

the two parties we attended were good....keep in mind at least one person if not more usually get hurt in the bounce house...any bounce house anywhere...seems to be the reality of bounce houses. ...

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answers from Dallas on

We have attended a party there. The kids had a blast and it wasn't torture for the parents either.

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