Your child is going to be upset with this situation. When a man comes into your life, you need to make it as plain as you can that this is a friend, and not her father. The person is there for you and not for her. For you child's sake ,don't let your friend get to close to her. If she means the world to you, please remember this and protect her. Is there any way that you could keep your adult life seperate from her so that if this situation with you and a new friend ends, she is not hurt again. Imagine how she must feel if she is going to lose a father figuar over and over again. Let her know that in life you make friends and they do not always work out and that this is usually not anyones fault. That just as she is growing and changing people change and then change and friends may not be friends after you both do some changing. If she has had a time when she and a little friend have parted ways, try to use this as a stepping stone to her understanding. Please assure her that this is not her fault and that the end of this friendship is not on her little shoulders. Good luck, God bless and be careful. I am a teacher, mother of 2 and grandmother of 2 and I am giving you the same advice that helped me through a reough divorce and that I would give mey own child. Take it slowly and be careful of who you trust around your daughter. In the years that i have been divorced I never allowed a man to come close to my children. My kids were older than yours, but I was fairly young. I had to try to decide what I needed to do for them to keep them safe and whole. The advice about being active in Church is excellent. Just remember that Church is a piece of life and that everyone you meet there is not perfect of automatically safe. Pray and concentrate on your daughter and this will pass.