I wouldn't do it. Here's why, my daughter turned 5 on August 8th, and started kindergarten that year on August 12th. Everything's turned out fine, but that's because she catches up with the other kids before school year starts. During the school year, she notices how all the other kids are turning a year older, and it sometimes bothers her. If your kid celebrates her birthday at school like all the other kids, she'll say how old she's turning, and the other kids are going to think it's weird. My kindergartener was just saying that one of the girls in his class is only "5" and isn't getting ready to turn 6 until August. I know the girl, and her birthday is August 4th. So, if they're a birthday like that, it's okay since they're still the same age as many of the other students for part of the year, and when the other students start becoming one year older, it's noticed, but not as big of a deal to their friends. If other kids are turning 6 during kindergarten though, and your daughter is only turning 5, I'd be afraid of the social aspects, especially once she hits 2nd grade on up and kids really get a lot meaner, especially the girls. You greatly risk her being called a baby and certain types of girls not wanting to be friends with her. Sad, yes....but reality. And trust me, it DOES start that early with girls. I was amazed when my daughter was in kindergarten how many girls were already mean and more like teenagers. So, yes, she may seem ready academically, but for her sake, I'd wait. If it helps, my son is in kindergarten, and was in preschool for 2 years. he knew math, spelling, and all the states and capitals before he started kindergarten, and I worried a little, but he's not been acting up, not bored, and LOVES school. That second year in preschool, sure he knew everything they were learning, but he didn't ever complain of school being boring. He turned 6 in December. So, I've dealt with your situation, just divided between two kids, and I really truly think that you'll regret sending her early. Just think down the road, she'll be turning 16 during her senior year if I did the math right. And the thing is, school is not only about academics when they in kindergarten and first grade. It's about having the maturity of being able to follow directions, sit quietly and work, and be willing to learn new things. My daughter struggled with paying attention during kindergarten and she was 9 months older than your daughter, and also very smart. The girl my son talked about whose bday is August 4th is always getting in trouble about not listening and talking. She's just not as mature as the other kids in the class. So, academically your daughter may be ready, but chances are, not socially. If you ask kindergarten teachers, you'll be surprised at how they wish more parents with kids that have late birthdays, like July and August ones would have their kids wait a year before starting kindergarten. I found that out AFTER I put my daughter in, and honestly probably would've had her wait. Thank goodness she's doing find though now