Dark Circle Under Eyes - Best Concealer?

Updated on September 04, 2008
S.G. asks from Gurnee, IL
4 answers

Hi ladies, I have been using Estee Lauder Double Wear Concealer for many years and am now finding that it is collecting in the lines around my eyes. Can anyone recommend a concealer with good coverage without the caking? I have been researching it online and there are so many out there I am not sure which one to try!! Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

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answers from Chicago on

The Mary Kay eye stuff worked well when I used it.

I don't sell Mary Kay, don't know anyone that does anymore. But I thought I would share that with you.

Good luck.




answers from Chicago on

Hi S.!
I never used concealer for the very reason that you explained. Plus "back then" I had no need for it. Now that I am older, I have those same circles and some "spots" that were never there before that I would like to cover up.

I love Shaklee's Mineralles products. It has great coverage and no caking and so very light that it doesn't even feel like you are wearing anything. The other great thing is that it is pure and made from minerals, so I am actually feeding my skin while its on. You know how sometimes make-up feels like your skin can't breathe??

If you'd like some more info, I'd be happy to share it with you. I know several people who have switched from department store brands to Shaklee (less price but great quality) and have been thrilled with the results.



answers from Chicago on

S., I have a few different items that can assist with your request. Let me know if you would to get together and try them.





answers from Chicago on

I have been using Lancome Effacernes Waterproof Undereye Concealer for about 6 years now and it's the best concealer I have ever used. I think I have only gone through three tubes since I've started using it ~ it takes about 2 years to go through a tube. I can't say enough good things about it ~ it really is the best concealer out there as far as I'm concerned! :-)

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