Your son probably appeared to love the last daycare because he was younger and less aware. Now that he has gotten older he has begun to realize more so switching daycare provides on him has become harder on him only because he has become more aware! Just be sure to talk to the lady that is now caring for him. Ask her how long it takes for him to calm down after you leave. In most cases it doesn't take long. Perhaps call the daycare and ask how your child is doing when you get to work and also don't hesitate to call throughout the day to check on your son. When we switched our son from an in-home sitter to a daycare center back in March we were told to call as often as we like to check in and find out how are son's day was going!! Your son will adjust - it just takes time. Just be sure to talk to the lady watching your son and also talk to the director of the daycare. Ask questions!! Let them know all of your concerns!!
Your son's behavior is perfectly normal! He loves his Mom but just tell him that you will be back soon and you love him! Also, when you drop your child off in the mornings make it quick. We were told it makes it much easier on the child and the teacher if you don't make a huge scene every morning. Just give hugs, kisses, tell them you will back soon, have fun and go!! Good luck! :)