2 1/2 Year Old and 1 1/2 Year Old to Share a Room- Any Suggestions?

Updated on April 11, 2008
H.W. asks from Minneapolis, MN
10 answers

Hi. My 2 boys need to move into the same bedroom due to space constraints in our house. the 2 1/2 year old is in a bed and has a bed time about an hour later than the 1 1/2 year old. And the younger one gets up a little earlier- sometimes a lot earlier and has to be put back to sleep. Any suggestions for having 2 little ones this small and unpredictable share a room? And still allow mom and dad some zzz's?

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So What Happened?

Thank you so much for the thoughtful responses! This is such a supportive community- you all made me actually excited that my boys need to share a room- rather than dreading it. Its been 2 nights and so far its ok, except the little one wakes up early. Other wise so far so good! I can't wait until they are old enough to hang out and talk in there when they wake up! My husband and I are so tired of the 6 am wake up!!! Thanks for all the support and advice!

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answers from Green Bay on

My daughter has 3 boys in the same room because of space constraints. They are 7,5,and 1.

When the baby was born, he would wake them up once in a while, but it didn't take long for them to sleep right through his crying.

I believe it is a matter of them getting used to being in the same room. And, they all go to bed at the same time, which lets mom and dad have some time together.

You didn't say when bedtime was, but at my daughter's house, 8:00-8:30 is bedtime. that way mom and dad have time to talk, watch tv or do something else in the evening before bed.

H. that helps.

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answers from Lincoln on

I have two little boys 17 months apart sharing a room. They are doing fine. They learn how to sleep through the other one getting up. We adjusted their bed times so they go to bed at the same time. We moved ones back 30 minutes and the other ones ahead 30 minutes. The adjustment took about a month to get use to, but they love sharing a room. They lay in there beds now at 3 and 4 and talk about what they did during the day. They are the best of friends. Good Luck,



answers from Minneapolis on

Our kids share a room now too. We ended up putting one of them to bed in our room and moving him when we went to bed. I don't have much to say about the AM though. Our daughter has been encouraged to play with her brother in their room and that has taken off well, but she is 4 now, so that may not be an option for your kids yet. Good luck,



answers from Minneapolis on

I'm in the same boat, with the same age boys! We're doing it when we move in a couple of weeks. I've been thinking about meeting in the middle with the bedtime, and trying to get them to sleep at the same time. I figure it may take a couple of nights of talking or keeping each other awake for a while, but eventually they'll get it. As for the early morning, do you have them on the same nap schedule during the day? Once I was able to get them on the same schedule, they started to get up at the same time each morning. Or, you could try putting a little fan next to the older one's bed for a little white noise. I think it's just going to take some time to get used to. I'm nervous about it too!



answers from Minneapolis on

I have two boys, 4 and 2 1/2 and a 7 mo. old baby girl. They are all in the same room. The boys have been sharing since they were your boys ages. It worked out really great.
I did put them down at the same time. The older one would sometimes come out after the little one went to sleep. I played music and had a fan going for white noise. THey sleep through each others crying with the white noise. My boys are so close now and play well togther. They are fine when I leave them places, as long as they have each other. I find the 2 year old will ask where the 4 year old is.
That is our experience. I H. yours is as good as ours has been. Good Luck!



answers from Rochester on

Hi H.,
We have 3 little ones (3 1/2, 2, and 7 mos.) sharing a room and often marvel at how well it works. I think getting them to have the same bedtime is a good idea. Mine all wake up a different times in the morning, but that doesn't seem to bother anyone. If one wakes up at night, the others seem to stay asleep, and if not, they all go back to sleep quickly. It may take a little time to get everyone adjusted to what's expected (going to bed at bedtime), but I bet your boys will end up loving it!
Good luck,



answers from Minneapolis on


Our kids share rooms and we stagger their bedtimes. We put the first one down, then do "mommy and me" time with the second, then put the second down. In the morning or after nap, the other one wakes up first and has their "mommy and me" time. I have trained them not to wake the other up when they go to bed or get up.

Good luck,



answers from Des Moines on

I have a 4 1/2 yr old girl, and a 1 1/2 yr old boy. Because of limited space they also share a room. - I have had good luck with it. My little boy goes to bed about an hour or so before my daughter and it has worked out fine. There have been times where one has woken up in the middle of the night, and usually the other stays asleep or falls right back asleep. It may take a bit of adjustment at first but once they get used to each other I think it will work out great!! I would also suggest a small fan for some white noise, this has helped me when I am bringing my little girl into bed that way we dont "cring" at every little noise she makes. I think it will work out great for you and it will bring the boys closer :0) Good luck!



answers from Minneapolis on

We where there with my girls a couple years ago. I would put them both to bed at the same time and sit at there door with a book for the first couple months and keep the noise down. But then they both get up in the morning.



answers from Sioux City on

I don't have anything specific to say about them sharing a room (my 6yo and 3.5yo always have) but I would suggest for mom & dad's sanity that the kids have the same bedtime. It takes long enough to get them ready -- I can't imagine extending that another hour!

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