You've got a lot of good answers here. I'm in your exact boat except my daughter is almost 4 and we still have gotten into a new house:( We have finally switched to her brothers' room. (yes I have two boys that makes 5 people living in a very small house.) Here's few tips that I can think of right now.
Definitely try moving you baby's nap time up. When my kids were one, they were still on two naps a day. One in the morning around 9 or 10 depending when they got up and one in the afternoon around 2pm. And then they would go down by 8 or 9pm for the night. Once they only needed one nap (which is anywhere from 1 year to 18 months, they went down for a nap at least by 1pm. They just couldn't last any longer. The latest I ever put them down in the afternoon in 2pm. I would try your hardest to move up nap time cause I'm sure that's what is affecting her sleep. The better a baby naps during the day, the better she'll sleep at night but she needs to be tired enough by night time to sleep a full night.
We used a white-noise maker every night. It sounds like a fan and it's great especially since in a small house you hear every noise but this blocks a lot out. I would definitely recommend this!
Not sure when you go to bed and if you go at the same time as her but I would definitely recommend putting her to bed earlier than you, then you go to bed after she's fallen sound asleep. Then she's not use to being in there for her to fall asleep.
But is there any change you could use a pack and play instead and move her in the other room? Although you may need to wait till her sleeping routine is a bit better at night.
Hope this helps. Just remember everything is a phase but a good routine and earlier bedtime will make this phase a lot more enjoyable!