I have been pumping since my son was born 3 wks ago because he has not wanted to latch on. I also have been giving a few ounces of formula because I am not producing ...
On the Weekends, from Friday thru Sunday, my boyfriend and I has his two kids. One boy who is nine and a girl who is seven. I love them dearly, however, all they want...
I've been buying my toddler sugar free pudding and jello thinking it was healthier, but now I'm not so sure. Are the alternative additives worse? He rarely eats the...
My 4.5 mo old daughter is going on her 4th week of a cold. Or at lest I've been thinking it's a cold; now I'm not so sure. Here are symptoms: congestion, occasional...
This might seem like an odd question, but I was listening to a radio program about how important it is to stimulate a child's mind in the first three years of life, a...
My daughter is 9 months old and went for her checkup and the Dr told us that shes not getting enough formula. She is at the point now where shes only taking a bottle ...
Is there anyway to increase your milk production, besides pumping more? Are there reasons for getting less milk when pumping than when nursing? I had no issues with...
Our son has a learning disability. I had advocated a specialized LD high school for at least a year to help him build strategies for learning. DH and our son's psyc...
My daughter is 14 months and has recently started becoming a picky eater. She eats her breakfast in the morning and has lunch and snacks at daycare. She eats all of...
I need help friends. What are your tips, and techniques for better communication? For instance, my friends counselor gave her some tips. 1) never argue in the car,...