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Results 51-60 from 5,237 articles

Living Outside the US

K.J. asks from Provo

My husband and I have both always had a severe case of the travel bug. We have talked extensively about wanting to live somewhere outside of the United States for a f...


Husbands Father Not Speaking with Us

S.M. asks from Los Angeles

I want to first Thank everyone for the help earlier this month. It is a relief to know us moms are not alone and there is help. I will try to make this short. My hus...


MIL Lives with Us

A.M. asks from Chicago

Okay, i have a mother in law that lives with us. i recently purchase a house and have worked hard to get it and try to arrange it the way i want. However, everytime i...


Daughter's Friend Living with Us

M.R. asks from Eugene

My daughters best friend (my daughter is 17 and still in school) was recently kicked out of her home. She came to stay with us because she had no where else to go. Th...


Wedding Gift for Someone in the Military

R.L. asks from Orlando

Hi! My daughter is attending a wedding soon of a friend who spent three tours of duty in Afghanistan and Iraq. I don't know him very well, but I would like to send hi...


Question for Military Families..

K.U. asks from Dallas

I watched Oprah's show yesterday about the need to be more aware of the sacrifices soldiers and their families are making for us every day and I couldn't agree more! ...


Any Military Wives Knowledgeable About Tricare?

J.M. asks from Norfolk

Hi guys, I was just wondering if anyone out there knew the ins and outs of how tricare worked. My husband and I are trying for our third child and would like to rece...


Question for Military Moms

D.C. asks from Honolulu

My husband is active army and he is deployed at the moment and we are stationed in Hawaii. His R&R is coming up and we are planning to have it in our hometown. Do an...


Military Moms - Help!!!

L.L. asks from Seattle

Ok ladies - my oldest child just turned 2 last week. Her daddy has been underway since january, but came home for a week last week and then left again 2 days ago. S...


For Moms with Deployed Military Husbands

B.G. asks from Birmingham

Our Sunday School class is going to have two of our male members being deployed to the Middle East soon. One is leaving at the end of March, one leaving in August. ...

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Answer Highlights

  • glad your husband spoke in 2 answers "(I'm not talking to you anymore, so there!) I'm so glad your husband spoke up."
  • minor home repairs in 2 answers "... was most helpful to me was someone to help with yard work and minor home repairs ..."
  • get your husband on board in 2 answers "If you can't get your husband on board than you are gonig to have to confront the ..."
  • homeless shelter in 2 answers "If she had to go live in a homeless shelter for a few weeks, she might have learned ..."
  • sit her down and tell in 2 answers "I suggest that you sit her down and tell her that if she is going to live there, then ..."