I asked this question before, but no answer. I read working mother magazine today, with ALL THE OPPORTUNITIES, of flexible work schedules etccc.. But where are these ...
For any of you part-time working moms, where did you find your jobs? I am looking for someone to work part-time, but HR is looking through recruiters and posting ads...
I am looking for advice on home employment. I am a working mom with 10 years of HR experience. My husband travels a lot and I want to be home to get my kids on and of...
I am due to deliver my first child soon.
I am in a bit of a pickle over the birth certificate. My childs father and I (who are not married but do live together) b...
Looking for advice from any HR professional or friendly advice. I have been away from the workforce for abt. 11 years on and off to stay at home with my children. I a...
So I know this question is quite akward but here she blows.
I am getting another job. I do not plan on coming back to the job that I am currently at, and they alre...
so my daughters teacher from last year contacted me to let me know that 3 TA positions were opening up in the building. so i acted on this and went to the regional of...
Hi, I wonder if you could give me your impression of this.
I applied for a job about a month ago. An HR person contacted me right away to schedule a phone screeni...
I have heard that many people are leaving degrees off of their resume's in order to get a job. Have any of you had to do that? I have a BA in Education but am apply...
Are there any single moms here who work from home? If so, what are jobs that can be done to make a decent living staying @ home. I am asking this question because I r...