greek letter

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Results 1-10 from 117 articles

Appropriate Flowers for Catholic or Greek Orthodox Funeral?

M.O. asks from New York

Please forgive the vagueness of this question, but I just got off the phone with a colleague who just suffered two unexpected tragedies within the week. I want to sen...


Need Snack Ideas Beginning with the Letter H

C.B. asks from Dallas

I am in charge of snacks for my son's preschool class. Their letter of the week is H, so I am looking for some snack ideas to go with that letter. Thanks for your help!


Foods That Start with the Letter L

R.G. asks from Grand Rapids

every year for work we have to bring a dish to pass. last year it had to be something that started with the first letter of your first name. mine is R no problem this...


Baby Name Opinion

J.G. asks from Philadelphia

I am pregnant with my second child and my husband and I have been kicking around names for a girl. I just wanted an opinion. We were thinking about Gianna but my da...


Desperately Seeking Advice on a School Event

T.K. asks from Fort Collins

I am in charge of our small elementary school's annual fund raiser. My theme is Greek Mythology. My problem is I have had no one sign up to help me with this event ...


I Need Help Teaching My 7 Year Old How to Read.

L.M. asks from Dallas

HELP!!! I am homeschooling my daughter. When it comes to reading, she is having a problem with transfering information she learns. We're using the Phonics program....


Is This Name More Feminine than Masculine...

N.J. asks from Los Angeles

Trying to come up with a 7 letter 'family' middle name for our 3rd boy due in 3 months. We still haven't narrowed down the first name either, but really there's o...


2 Yr Old Seems to Be Having Speech Issues

A.W. asks from Austin

Hi all! My 2, soon to be 3, yr old son appears to be behind in his speech in comparison to other children around his age. He knows all his letters and their sounds, c...


Bringing Religion into the Public School Classrooms

R.M. asks from San Francisco

During the month of December, in my child's 1st grade public school classroom, three parents came into the class and talked all about the meaning of Hannakuh, sang je...

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