fast fat loss

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Gotta Lose This Baby Fat!!!

S. asks from St. Louis

My son is going to be 9 months old soon and I can't stand my jelly belly anymore! What are some good ways to get rid of my belly butt, thigh, well pretty much everyth...


"Any Secrets to Loosing Baby Fat"

F.C. asks from Shreveport

I know my son is almost 3yrs old, but i really want to loose wieght and keep it off. The wieght that i am now I have been this way since I had my son.. Any secrets......


Eating WAY Too Fast!

J.J. asks from Daytona Beach

Hello all! I am writing to see if anyone has had this issue with thier child. My son is three years old, and has ALWAYS been a hearty eater! He doesn't have any we...


Weight Loss

K.F. asks from St. Cloud

hi i just had amy 1st baby 4.5 months ago and gained like 25 lbs even after the baby was born and i cant seam to loose any of it. i have been exersizing 2-3 times wee...


Hair Loss

A.B. asks from Spokane

My sister is 39. She's had thinning of her hair in the last year, in which her hairdresser first pointed out to her. She used to have extremely thick hair so she ju...


Weight Loss

M.R. asks from Dallas

Hi Mommas! I am struggling to lose my last 30 pounds. I had a partial (uterus removal) hysterectomy 12/07 and haven't been able to lose any weight and keep it off ev...


Weight Loss

M.P. asks from Atlanta

Hey Ladies, I am tired of crash diet..what works?????????????


Weight Loss

A.C. asks from Rockford

Hello, So I am struggling with losing weight. I lost already 30 pound by exercise and watching what I eat but now Im stuck Im 150 pounds and my goal is to get to 130...


Weight Loss

S.B. asks from Fort Walton Beach

I actually started working out about a year ago. I lost about 110 lbs for far. It just seems like those last 40-50 lbs are the hardest. I was walking and now I just s...


Weight Loss

R.S. asks from Sacramento

Went to whole foods and found this product called 4321 organic tea, I'm on my second day of drinking this tea along with 32 oucnes of water, has anyone tried this tea...

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