My wife is having a hard time expressing her milk, is there any suggestions on how to get more milk out? She is drinking 6-8oz glasses of water a day, no more then that.
I just recently am beginning to wean my son from breast to bottle and hope to have this completed by the time he is 4 months old. I heard from my mom that now with fo...
Hello ladies:
With my first child I couldn't pump so I dont know the answer to this question. This may sound silly but I don't know that is why I am asking. If I p...
i have been breastfeeding my baby for 2 months now. I also pump 1-2 times a day to increase my milk production so i will be ready to go back to work. The problem is t...
am haveing trouble keeping up with my son eating, he wants to eat way more milk than I can make, and when am working am not getting much out while pmping, just want t...
I'm a SAHM and I usually BF my daughter. Sometimes I need to feed her formula when I haven't pumped and we are out in public. Up until recently we never bought formu...
I recently started my son on furmula. I used to pump and give him the milk and whatever was leftover I would put it in the fridge and he would eat it later. ...
I have an 11-month old who is already past his stage 3 baby food and is onto eatng what we eat, (with some exceptions). He is almost completely off the bottle and on...
My daughter is fixen to be year old and I am wanting to switch her from formula to milk. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions that might make the trasition a...
My daughter turns 1 in a couple weeks and I am just wondering how to make the switch from formula to whole milk. Do they need as much milk/day as formula? I sh...