Just wondering if there are any mothers out there who have given their child probiotics.
My son has had severe stomach pain and chronic constipation (he actually doe...
My almost one year old has severe constipation and gas. I give him Mylicon and Dr. has given Miralax. It seems like I have to give him Mirilax every few weeks. Has...
I am desperate and in need of help. My beautiful 3 year old daughter will not have a bowel movement on the potty. She will literaly hold it in and then only goes once...
My 2 year old looks like she has a bloated stomach most of the time. I mean it looks like she is pregnant. We asked the pediatrician and he had a CT Scan and X-ray d...
my 3 year old has suddenly developed bloated tummy after her stomach flu infection which lasted for just a day. As she developed constipation after that i gave her mi...
my 5 year old son will not poop unless he poops his pants first. he can hold it for many days and then he constantly poops his pants until we can force him to use th...
Hi! I have a 2 year old who has been had trouble with constipation since I stopped nursing at 11 months. Since then, we have given her a small glass of prune juice d...
My youngest has to have the above procedures done next week. I know they are going to put her under which absolutely terrifies me! Have any mama's or papa's been thro...
When my daughter was born I nursed her for about two months before I had to stop due to bad reflux. Then she started having constipation problems on the formula, we e...
My 3 year old daughter has an anal fissure due to hard/large stools. The doc put her on Miralax and it's helped her stool be soft, but she still bleeds at times. I to...