My grandson's feet have smelled horrible off and on since he was a toddler. I just about die when he takes his shoes's just not normal to smell so bad an...
My 3 year old daughter always smells like stinky pee. I'll bathe her and in less than 24 hours she stinks again. It's driving my crazy. She's potty-trained, and she...
My niece is 2 1/2 and still in a diaper. She has a red welted rash on her privates. It sort of looks dry and scaley. She is very red on the inside and she doesn't rea...
Hi ladies!! You've always been there for me and I am so thankful to have you to count on and I need you again for some ideas. My 2 older boys are in K and 1st they ha...
My washing machine died and I need a new one asap. Someone asked the same question back in 2009 but with the technology changing so quickly i thought i would repost....
I am a neat freak and i am constantly cleaning but even getting close to my sons room makes me want to hurl!!! I dont get it. his room is clean, he makes his bed, not...
I use my dishwasher, only as a dry rack. I fully handwash all my dishes, and stack them in the washer to dry. I hate, hate, hate running my dishwasher! No matter how ...
Hi Moms and Dads,
I'm looking to weed and feed and generally care for my backyard/garden with out a lot of harsh chemicals. I'm concerned about the chemicals in suc...
Anyone ever have a child to have stomach virus symptoms overnight, vomitting and upset stomach, and then the next day be almost 100%.... only to find that the next ni...
I am the "momma" of a wonderful 9 almost 10 month old boy. He is having a tough time with the itchy, dry skin that eczema causes. There are times when it seems that...