35 year old, single, financially successful daughter who is extremely dependent on parents for emotional support. Does not have friends, but is highly successful in ...
I will try to make this brief, I am so mad and I just don't know what to do right now. I am a chronic pain patient after suffering a neck injury many years ago and un...
to have another baby? I have been thinking about adding one to our brood for the past two years. I just turned 35. Talk with the hubbster to follow, but just curious ...
I have a 12 year old son who has ADHD. He was diagnosed in 2nd grade, when he was 7. He was and still is taking Adderall XR once a day to help with the symptoms. H...
My 17 year old daughter was at a friends house, and they found alcohol in the house. As teenagers often do, they started drinking it. My daughter tells me that a fr...
My son is about to get diagnosed with ADHD and the Doctor is already talking about medication and said there is no other way to help my son. I would prefer not to giv...
My concerns come from a 13 year old on the computer web sites. She says she only talks to people she knows and she won't allow me to have her password.
My daughter is 9 and dev delayed. She has also been diagnosed with Bi-polar disorder, Neuropathy, and Asthma. Ok she is on Abilify, which works great but is horrible ...
My 10 year old son was recently 'diagnosed' with ADD. The diagnosis is hard for me since it is not a blood test that shows for certain this is what he has - but the ...