Solid Foods & Weaning: Kelty

27 answers

19 Month Old Clingy Behavior

My daughter is 19 months old and still nurses about 3 time a day (more if she were able to!) She is a bright, engaging, happy baby with people when we go places. She LOVES to go bye-bye. The issue we're having is that when we are at home, her behavior completely changes, and she becomes extremely clingy, winey, and demands to be picked up by me. The difficult thing is that if I get down on her level, and put my arms around her and hold her, or even sit in a chair and hold her, that's not what she wants. She wants me to hold her while I'm...

Forbidden Foods

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6 answers

Need a Running Stroller (BOB, Kelty or Baby Jogger?)

Hi, My daughter turns 6 mo this weekend and I would like to start running with her. I'm looking to get a good running stroller. However, most of the reviews of the "jogging" strollers that I've read have been from non-runners or joggers. Are there any runners out there who can advise on the good and bad points of the stroller she is using? What do you wish it did that it doesn't do? Is there one that you've seen a running partner use that you'd rather have? I've been looking at the BOB Ironman, the 2006 BOB Sport Utility, the...

Self Feeding & Finger Foods

See all 25 articles
11 answers

Need Recommendation for Best Carrier to Wear a Newborn Around the House

I already own an Ergo, a Baby Bjorn, a Kelty backpack, and a Moby, but I need something that I can take on and off easily that is safe and comfortable for a newborn. A sling? Which one? I was always nervous about slings because I heard they can cause positional asphyxiation, so I would love to hear opinions/ advice on that. I have a two week old and a two year old and life has been chaotic. I need to be able to walk around and tend to my toddler, read to him, feed him, etc., and still pop the baby in and out for feeding. The Moby is...


Am I over Feeding??

My 6 wks old daughter is eating about 4oz. every 3 hours, but sometime after...