Social Life: Toddler, Luvs

50 answers

Seeking Emergency Help

Hi i currently live in detroit and im having a baby boy in a couple weeks and is still in need of things such as baby blanets a baby bath tub, clothes and a bottle warmer. Its really hard for me to purchase these things because of my finacial situation. If there is any one who know of a place or some one giving these things away please feel free to share information

Girls' Night Out

See all 259 articles
41 answers

Do You like Luvs Diapers?

Luvs diapers are sooo much cheaper than Huggies or Pampers, so I am wondering if any of you have used them with your babies, and if you like them? It would be great to save some money! Thanks!


Luvs V. Huggies?

Hi All We're trying to find ways to save money where we can (aren't we...


Luvs Diaper Question

I was just wondering if anyone has noticed if Luvs diapers have changed at...