Skin & Bodycare: Squirt Guns

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18 answers

Curious - Toy Guns in Your Home

Whether you're pro-gun or anti-gun in your home ..... what about squirt guns and bubble guns and cap guns? I am curious if the anti-gun mamas out there allow or do not allow their children to aim a squirt gun at others and say bang bang. I have heard of some moms that no not allow any type of gun (even imaginary - made out of your fingers) to be pointed at anyone - do these moms allow squirt guns or bubble guns? Those of you who are pro-gun with a real gun in your home - do you allow your chlid to play with pretend guns? Do your kids...


Superheroes and Kids

As a mother to a four and a half year old daughter, I never really thought...

Skin Problems

25 answers

Neighbor Mom Always Reprimanding the Other Kids. Are We Out of Line?

We have new neighbors. The family moved next door to us about 3 months ago. All the neighbors in my neighborhood are friends, all have kids the same age, get together often etc. We’ve been living here for 10 years. When the family moved in we all became friends. They are really nice and have a 2 y/o daughter. Their daughter is the youngest and there are all boys in our neighborhood ranging from 6 – 9 yrs old. This little girl LOVES to play with the boys because they are so kind to her and they always share their toys with her,...