Organic: Toddler, Pedialyte

Results 11-20 from 84 articles

Getting 13 Month Old to like Whole Milk and off Bottles

K.G. asks from Chicago

Hi! I am wondering if anyone else had trouble getting their baby to like milk? I have been trying what my ped told me to do - place a sippy of milk and a sippy of w...


My Newborn Has Had Diareha for a Month. What Could Be Causing It?

T.B. asks from Miami

My newborn has had diareha for a month. She was in the hospital and tested for all viruses and milk allergy which were negative. She was on medication with a side aff...


Help!!! My Son Has Had Diarrhea for Almost a Month...

E.S. asks from Dallas

My little guy has had diarrhea for almost a mo now. It all started b/c he had an ear infection that would not go away. All the antibiotics he was on was causing it....


7 Month Old Not Eating

N.S. asks from Chicago

Hello moms, I have a 7 month old who on Saturday night around 10 pm, vomited twice - her oatmeal/squash and then her formula. She has been drooling for over a mon...


Light Green Stool in 8 Month Old

E.M. asks from Tampa

My eaight month old has been having 4 to 6 light green bowel movements a day for the last week. Sometimes they are pretty solid and sometimes they are a little darker...


My 11 Month Old Daughter It in the 5Th Percentile for Weight I Need Help!

L.M. asks from Albany

My daughter is turning 11 months on the 5th of this month. She is 15.14 and 26 inches she is petite but healthy. I cant seam to get away from the doctors she ither ha...


11 Month Old Pooping Too Much!

J.W. asks from New York

Help! My daughter, who will be 11 months old next week, has been pooping like crazy for about 4 days now. She will have about 6 - 7 BM's a day, each one filling her d...


10 1/2 Month Old Won't Drink ANY Milk

C.L. asks from Philadelphia

My 10 1/2 month old son was 100% breastfed up until about 10 months old. We were giving him bottles occasionally of pumped breastmilk which he never had a problem tak...


Need Advice on 10 Month Old Odd Behavior in the Last 24 Hours

M.G. asks from Houston

We have an odd situation happening with our 10 month old. On Monday - the doctor said she had an ear infection, and started her on Omnicef. Yesterday, between wake ...


Any Suggestions for Constipated 2 Month Old?

C.G. asks from San Luis Obispo

My baby boy is really constipated. called the ped today and she suggested glycerin sopositories(sorry spelled that wrong) I tried to put one in today, but everytime i...