At the recent 9 month check up, my son was in the 5th percentile for weight, 80th for height, and 25th for head circumference. The Pediatrician suggested formula sup...
My son is 9 weeks and about 9 pounds/23 inches. That is right about at the very bottom of the infant weight curve (5th percentile) if not below. He was born 7 pound...
At my daughter’s 1 year well child checkup, her doctor was concerned because her weight was below the measurable percentile line (she’s only 16 lbs). We talked ab...
I really need some advice. At 15 months my daughter weighed 16 pounds and was diagnosed as failure to thrive. She is growing appropriately in height and head circumfe...
My son, while on his growth curve, is in the 1 percentile for his age (3-1/4 years old weighing 26 pounds). His brother and sister are in the 10th percentile and my h...
Hi, my son just turned 2 and he is only 23 lbs. We have been dealing with his slow weight gain since he was about 18 month, Our pediatrician did blood work and sent h...
Ok, so at my daughters 10 month well check her measurements were good! She was born at 5lbs 4oz, and has thrived in growth ever since. And as much as I love me a chun...
My daughter is 9 months old and she is in the 95% percentile in weight and 50% percentile in height. She's 22lbs. and 27.5 inches. She is breastfed and is eating so...
My daughter just turned 7 years old this past week. She had her physical yesterday and shes weighing in at 61lbs and is 47 inches tall. The ped said she is gaining fa...
My 16th month old is in the 95th percentile for height and the 91st for weight. The doctor said I should start giving him low-fat dairy products. Should I really be c...