I am a proud mother of two a 5 year old little girl and a 8 month old little boy.
After my daughter was born the weight just fell off. But now with my second one I...
My daughter is 5 days old. She is a great sleeper and a very contenet baby. My milk came in 2 days ago and at night she is eating every 3 - 4 hours, during the day 2-...
I want to get pregnant with my second child, however I am on 20MG of Prozac on a daily basis. I am not having any panic attacks or anxiety at all its been almost 2 yr...
I'm very frustrated with breastfeeding. I never had issues with any of the boys; however, I remember supplementing with them. For whatever reason (maybe because she...
My son is eating 6 + oz at each feeding and he is not even a month old yet. I am tring to breastfeed and we are having some problems with that I am starting to think ...
I was reading Tawna D. question about post-baby weight loss, she got a lot of great responses. My question is how can you fit in workouts regularly with a 5 month ol...
My baby is 6 weeks old and I think I'm not producing enough milk for her. If I try to nurse her within 4 hours to the last feeding she gets upset and frustrated at th...
I've only been a SAHM for 5 months. I was so use to having a routine of going to work everyday. Now I feel like all I do is clean house over and over and over again...